5 Best Metal Detecting Finds in Minnesota

Ever unearthed a piece of history? Dive into Minnesota’s buried treasures! Explore coins, relics, and artifacts waiting to tell their tale. Ready for the hunt?

Best Metal Detecting Finds In Minnesota

Minnesota’s history, rich with the cultures of its first inhabitants, including the Dakota, Ojibwe, and other tribes, continues to adhere to the state.

These early settlers played a significant role in shaping the state’s culture and traditions.

I am fascinated by the diversity of settlers who have called Minnesota home throughout different centuries. 

This diversity inspired me to take up metal detecting in the state. 

I have visited Minnesota several times, exploring various locations such as state parks, lakes, and river banks with my metal detector.

During my trips, I had the opportunity to meet many local expert detectorists and learn about their metal detecting stories.

Based on my experiences and the information I gathered from these experts, I am excited to share some of the cool treasures that await discovery beneath Minnesota’s grounds.

Here are the best metal detecting finds in Minnesota,

  1. Antique coins
  2. Military relics
  3. Native American artifacts 
  4. Jewelry
  5. Historical relics

But there’s a lot more to know about those findings!

So, in this article, I’ll explore the best metal detecting finds in Minnesota and where you can detect them including historical facts.

Furthermore, I’ll answer some frequently asked questions.

Let’s jump in! 

Treasures found in Minnesota
Treasures found in Minnesota

Best Metal Detecting Finds In Minnesota 

Metal detecting finds in Minnesota can range from historic artifacts to modern-day treasures. 

Since the state has a rich history, there are a number of archeological sites that can potentially yield metal-detecting finds that are exciting. 

Things you should consider when metal detecting in Minnesota
Things you should consider when metal detecting in Minnesota

Let’s look into the best finds you can detect in beautiful Minnesota in detail.

1. Antique Coins

Minnesota has a number of old trading posts and settlements. It also has boating and shipping routes of ancient settlers. 

Antique coin found when metal detecting in Minnesota
Antique coin found when metal detecting in Minnesota

So even though antique coins are not a common find in the state, there are certain areas in which you will be able to find them. 

Fort Snelling

Fort Snelling is a historic site with a well-preserved fort from the early 1800s which was used as a logistic hub. 

Fort Snelling Minnesota
Fort Snelling Minnesota

It was later used as a training ground for the soldiers during the Indian War. 

So there is a probability that this location will be able to reveal some antique coins.

According to expert detectorists, Fort Snelling is considered one of the best places to metal detect in Minnesota.

Old Town Alexandria

Old town Alexandria is a great location to detect antique coins because of its history where it was used as a trading post. 

Alexandria Minnesota
Alexandria Minnesota

There are so many old buildings and houses in the area that date back to the 19th century. 

The town can be freely metal detected. But when it comes to ancient buildings and private properties, you have to get permission from the authorities.


Stillwater historical town was a hub of the logging and lumber industry in the 19th and early 20th centuries. 

Stillwater Minnesota
Stillwater Minnesota

The location has so many old buildings and paths that are great spots for metal detecting to find coins.


Morris is a former railroad town. It has many sites related to the early railroads in the state. 

Morris Minnesota
Morris Minnesota

So it is possible to find metal-based objects here including coins. 

Get permits and permission from the authorities to metal detect without a hassle.


Duluth is a harbor city and it has been an important center for shipping and transportation for nearly a century. 

Duluth Minnesota
Duluth Minnesota

There are many sites related to shipping and mining where detectorists can yield interesting artifacts including coins.

2. Military Relics

Minnesota provided so many soldiers to the wars and the state also had many campsites which were used to train them. 

Military tag found near river bank when metal detecting in Minnesota
Military tag found near river bank when metal detecting in Minnesota

There are also many military forts that date back to the 19th and 20th centuries. 

Since these areas are mostly protected, you have to get permits and permission letters from the authorities to metal detect the location. 

Fort Snelling State Park

Fort Snelling was founded in the early 1800s and it is an important military outpost. 

Fort Snelling State Park Minnesota
Fort Snelling State Park Minnesota

The park has over 3000 acres of land and relics can be seen all over here. You have to obtain a permit to detect this place. 

Lake Itasca

This is the headwaters of the Mississippi River and it was used by the military during World War II to survive the warfare training during the winter. 

Lake Itasca Minnesota
Lake Itasca Minnesota

There might be abandoned and lost items here which belonged to the soldiers. 

Metal detecting is, however, not allowed within the park boundary and therefore you can search the surrounding areas for objects.

Belle Plaine 

This was the site of a significant site of Indian Warfare battle known as the Battle of Kaposia. 

The Union forces took up place on a hill near the town and fought with the Confederate army. There are relics still located around this area. 

The public places here can be detected with a permit given by the city authorities.

Camp Ripley Military Reservation

This is a large military training facility that is located near Little Falls, Minnesota. 

It covers over 53,000 acres of land and it has been used as a military training ground since World War II. 

You need to obtain permission from the military to detect this place. 


Moorhead was the home to the 99th Infantry Battalion during World War II. 

Moorhead Minnesota
Moorhead Minnesota

With this connection to the military, there may be locations to look for artifacts from this historical location. 

You can detect this place with the permission of the park district.

3. Native American Artifacts 

Minnesota is rich in Native American history and it was home to many tribes. Each of these tribes has a unique cultural heritage. 

Native American artifact found when metal detecting in Minnesota
Native American artifact found when metal detecting in Minnesota

There are also a lot of ancient burial mounds located within the state. The mounds are not allowed to be disturbed. But you can detect the surrounding areas. 

These locations often give valuable artifacts. 

It is important that these findings should be given respect and reverence. 

As these belong to the archeological department, permission and permits should be obtained all the time. 

Mille Lacs Indian Reservation 

This reservation is located near Onamia in central Minnesota and it was home to a Native American tribe known as Ojibwe. 

Artifacts can be found and the location is open for exploration under certain laws and regulations.

Grand Portage National Monument 

This is located in northeastern Minnesota near the border of Canada. This monument preserves the history and culture of the Ojibwe tribe. 

Grand Portage National Monument Minnesota
Grand Portage National Monument Minnesota

This, therefore, could be an ideal location to search for Native American artifacts.

Red Lake Indian Reservation

The Red Lake Indian reservation is located in north-central Minnesota. It is home to the Chippewa Indians. 

The reservation is open for metal detectorists to explore. But there are certain protocols that should be followed. 

And none of the artifacts are allowed to be kept. They should be reported to the authorities of the reservation.

Knife River Indian Villages Historic Site

This location is very close to the border of Minnesota, which is Stanton in central North Dakota. 

This historical site provides insights into the lives of the Northern Plains Indians. 

The ground exploration might be able to uncover artifacts that are related to the history of the Native Americans. 

Fond du Lac band of Lake Superior 

This reservation which is located near Cloquet is home to the Chippewa tribe. The region was used by the tribe as a space to live and thrive for years. 

Fond du Lac band of Lake Superior
Fond du Lac band of Lake Superior

So metal detecting this place with the permission of the reservation authority can be exciting and rewarding. 

4. Jewelry 

The ancient jewels history of Minnesota primarily revolve around the Native American tribes. 

Their jewelry is diverse and rich in art. This is able to showcase the cultural significance of each tribe.

Old jewelry items found when metal detecting in Minnesota
Old jewelry items found when metal detecting in Minnesota

The materials that have been used to create this jewelry include copper. 

The Ojibwe tribe was the first to apply metals to their jewelry. Later, they also used silver to create jewelry pieces like beads. 

Later on, many settlers began to inhabit the area, and different types of jewelry were introduced to the state. 

Still, these pieces are named to be highly valued and protected as they emphasize the history of the state and the country.


This city is located in Washington County, Minnesota. 

It is on the eastern edge of the twin cities. In the 19th century, it played a major role by being an important shipping hub. 

Stillwater in Minnesota
Stillwater in Minnesota

There are many parks that were created a few centuries back. Lowell Park is one such example. 

These parks were popular among the people who lived there for years and therefore, detecting these places might reveal many jewelry pieces. 

Red Wing

This place is located in southeastern Minnesota near the river of Mississippi. 

It is famous for its breathtaking views and beauty. It was a major trade center during the 19th century as it had access to the river. 

Red Wing Minnesota
Red Wing Minnesota

By exploring the river bank area, roads along the city, and the downtown area, there is potential to find many pieces of old jewelry. 


Located in southern Minnesota in Blue Earth County, it is known to be one of the oldest cities in the state. 

Mankato Minnesota
Mankato Minnesota

The city has a combination of history influenced by the Native American settlements to European colonies. The Europeans used the city as a hub of trading.

Sibley Park and Kiwanis Recreation Area are some of the ancient and popular locations among people. There will be traces of jewelry near these areas and the riverbank. 


Shakopee is a city located in Scott County, southwest of Minneapolis, Minnesota. 

Shakopee Minnesota
Shakopee Minnesota

There have been many festivals happening here annually for decades and also home to some amusement parks. 

The city is spread on both sides of the Minnesota River. This provides many opportunities to search areas for old jewelry.

5. Historical Relics

Minnesota has a wide history from the prehistoric era to the early settlements and so on. 

So finding historical relics from this state offers an entire journey throughout history. 

Historic relic found when metal detecting in Minnesota
Historic relic found when metal detecting in Minnesota

The historical relics in Minnesota include Native American artifacts, household items, or remnants from different industries. 

Unearthing these treasures would contribute to understanding and appreciating the heritage of this beautiful state.

Historic Hill District 

This neighborhood is located in St. Paul, Minnesota. The place has beautiful old houses belonging to the Victorian era. 

This was once a community of settlers who were wealthy. With permission from the owners of the property, metal detectorists would be able to detect relics.

Lake Minnetonka

This large lake is located in the west of Minneapolis and it has a rich history that dates back to the 19th and 20th centuries. 

Lake Minnetonka
Lake Minnetonka

It was popular as a resort area with old dock sites, swimming areas, old cabins, and picnic spots. This location is open to explore and detect old relics.

Frontenac State Park

The Frontenac State Park is located along the Mississippi River. 

Frontenac State Park Minnesota
Frontenac State Park Minnesota

It was an old townsite where the first settlers used to live. The Trappist monastery is also located here. 

With proper permits and permission from the authorities, some locations of this park are open for metal detecting. 

Historic Forestville

This well-preserved historical town is located in southeastern Minnesota. It belongs to the 1800s. 

Historic Forestville Minnesota
Historic Forestville Minnesota

The old general store, hotel, and blacksmith shop still can be seen here. So you can get permission and detect this place if you are interested. 

Congrats folks! Now you know all the best metal detecting finds in Minnesota with the locations they can find. 

Now I’m going to share with you several tips that helped me to find cool treasures during my visits to Minnesota.

Some of the below tips were gathered by interviewing some of my friendly local expert detectorists in Minnesota.

Since they come from experts’ mouths, they’ll definitely help you to succeed in metal detecting in Minnesota.

Just keep reading!

Did you know fact about metal detecting finds in Minnesota
Did you know fact about metal detecting finds in Minnesota

Tips For Metal Detecting In Minnesota 

Here are some useful tips for you to keep in mind while metal detecting in Minnesota.

Research The History 

Look for the history of where you are planning to detect. 

Understanding the history and the significance of the place would be helpful in identifying the possible spots to find relics.

Tip for metal detecting in Minnesota
Tip for metal detecting in MinnesotaTip for metal detecting in Minnesota

Get Permission 

Make sure that you obtain permission or permits from the relatives authorities, owner, or the government before searching. 

It will be helpful to avoid legal issues and make sure that you have a safe and better experience.

Use Proper Techniques 

Make sure that you are using a metal detector that is suitable for use in a particular location. 

And also use a slow and systematic sweeping motion to cover the entire area. Listen to the signals well. You can use good quality headphones for this.

Tip for metal detecting in Minnesota state
Tip for metal detecting in Minnesota state

Work Responsibly 

When digging, use a small scoop instead of a shovel to avoid digging a wide area. This will minimize the damage to the surrounding environment. 

Once you are done with the detection, make sure that you fill back the hole with the same soil so that it can recover from the damage. 

Metal detecting is a great hobby that brings adventures while respecting the environment and the history of the places. 

If you’re interested in learning more about Minnesota metal detecting finds, better to join a metal detecting club in Minnesota and engage with experts who organize metal detecting events.

How to find treasures when metal detecting in Minnesota
How to find treasures when metal detecting in Minnesota

A significant number of ancient Native American artifacts have been unearthed in Minnesota, offering invaluable insights into the state’s rich indigenous history.


So, let’s answer some frequently asked questions.


What types of treasures can be found in Minnesota through metal detecting?

In Minnesota, metal detecting enthusiasts can uncover a diverse array of treasures including antique coins, military relics, Native American artifacts, various types of jewelry, and other historical relics, all offering a glimpse into the state’s rich and varied history.

Is it legal to metal detect in Minnesota state parks and historical sites?

Metal detecting in Minnesota requires adhering to specific laws and regulations; while some public lands are accessible, others, especially historical and archaeological sites, require special permissions and permits to ensure the preservation of cultural heritage.

What are some notable locations for finding antique coins in Minnesota?

Places like Fort Snelling, Old Town Alexandria, Stillwater, Morris, and Duluth are renowned for yielding antique coins due to their historical significance as trading posts, military forts, and shipping hubs.

Can I keep the Native American artifacts found during metal detecting?

Native American artifacts hold cultural and historical value, and while they can be discovered in places like Mille Lacs Indian Reservation and Red Lake Indian Reservation, they should be reported to the authorities, as keeping them is typically not allowed.

Are there specific tips for successful metal detecting in Minnesota?

Success in metal detecting in Minnesota hinges on thorough historical research, obtaining necessary permissions, using appropriate metal detecting techniques, and practicing responsible digging and environmental preservation.

How can I find jewelry through metal detecting in Minnesota?

Historical cities like Stillwater, Red Wing, Mankato, and Shakopee, known for their trade centers, festivals, and parks, offer ample opportunities for enthusiasts to discover old and valuable pieces of jewelry.

Are there communities or clubs for metal detecting enthusiasts in Minnesota?

While the provided article doesn’t specifically mention clubs, typically, joining local metal detecting clubs or online forums can be an excellent way for enthusiasts to connect, share stories, and explore together, fostering a supportive community of like-minded individuals.

Did I cover all you wanted to know about: Best Metal Detecting Finds in Minnesota

In this article, I’ve deeply discussed the best metal detecting finds in Minnesota including their historic value and exact locations of them.

Best metal detecting finds in Minnesota include antique coins at Fort Snelling and Old Town Alexandria, military relics at Lake Itasca, Native American artifacts at Mille Lacs Indian Reservation, and historical jewelry in Stillwater. Minnesota’s rich history offers a diverse array of metal detecting finds, unveiling treasures from various eras and cultures. Ensure to follow legal guidelines.

Furthermore, I’ve answered some frequently asked questions as well.

Hope you’ve learned all you wanted to know about the best metal detecting finds in Minnesota including experts’ tips and techniques.

Now it’s time to select your favorite finding among the above list and go to the mentioned places in Minnesota for treasure hunting like a champ! Happy treasure hunting!

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