Ever unearthed a piece of Washington’s buried past? Dive in to discover treasures waiting just beneath your feet!

Washington attracts a lot of metal detectorists as this state has a rich history and is filled with a lot of valuable artifacts including gold.
The beautiful locations of Washington make metal detecting more interesting and fun. And the weather here is also ideal for outdoor activities during the summer.
Since Washington caught my eye, I traveled there a couple of times for treasure hunting with local expert detectorists in Washington.
I was able to find awesome-looking treasures from different locations thanks to my previous experience.
Here are some of the best metal detecting finds in Washington,
- Gold nuggets
- Jewelry
- Coins
- War artifacts
- Historical relics
- Lost treasures
- Old farm tools
But that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
For anyone who is interested in metal detecting in Washington and has no idea where to detect these things, I’ll give a quick overview of locations that have the potential to find them.
Furthermore, I’ll answer some frequently asked questions as well.
Let’s keep looking!

Best Metal Detecting Finds In Washington
Not everything that is included in the above list can be found at the same locations in Washington.
I did my own research and found some best spots for each find. And I thought of sharing them with you as well.
1. Gold Nuggets
Washington has a rich history in gold mining. Therefore some areas are still known to be holding gold nuggets.

Gold nuggets can be detected by metal detectors. Though it is quite challenging, finding gold nuggets can be a rewarding experience.
Here are some best places where gold nuggets can be yielded in Washington.
Check out the Best Places to Metal Detect in Washington!
Liberty is a small community located in Kittitas County, Washington. This location is best known for its gold nuggets.
The area has several abandoned mines and spots such as Swauk Creek that are popular among prospectors and metal detectorists.

Skagit River
This river near the Concrete, Washington is a historically valuable area for recovering gold.
It is now a popular spot among metal detectorists in finding gold nuggets and deposits.

Wenatchee River
The Wenatchee River and the tributaries that are located in the Cascade Mountains are a great source of gold nuggets.

Cedar Creek
This is another location that is in the eastern Cascade Mountains of Washington.
It is a great spot known for producing gold nuggets.

Okanogan County
This county in north central Washington has so many rivers and streams that it has a history of producing gold.
Detectorists are interested in visiting these places and

Bellingham Bay
Bellingham Bay is located in Whatcom County.
It has a history of gold mining and some people have found gold nuggets from the nearby beaches, rivers, and creeks.

Pend Oreille River
This river is located in northeastern Washington. This area has a history in producing gold.
So the detectorists might be able to find gold nuggets in the area where the erosion of the river has occurred.

2. Jewelry
Gold jewelry is one of the common finds for most of the metal detectorists who detect around Washington.

Beaches have a high chance of finding jewelry.
Read to know the Best Beaches in Washington to Metal Detect
There are a few best places where gold and other jewelry can be found.
Ocean Shores Beach
This is a popular beach area that is located on the Washington coast.
It is a busy location with so many people during the summer so jewelry can be found here often.

Long Beach Peninsula
This is another popular beach located in southwestern Washington.
It stretches for miles and can be considered as a best detection spot for jewelry.

Green Lake Park
This 323-acre park is located in Seattle. It has a large lake, walking trails, picnic areas, and sports fields.
So it is often crowded with people and an idle place to find jewelry.

Discovery Park
This park is a 534-acre park located in the Magnolia neighborhood, of Seattle.
It has a large beach area and hiking trails making it a great spot for detecting jewelry.

3. Coins
Washington has a rich history with many areas inhabited for thousands of years. A lot of human activities have taken place in this state.

So there is potential in finding old coins from around here.
Fort Vancouver National Historic Site
This was a popular trading center in the early 19th century. It was also used as a significant military post.
This ground is therefore a great place to detect coins with a historical value.

Lake Sammamish State Park
This park is located on the eastern shore of Lake Washington.
The sandy beaches and the picnic areas will be filled with people all the time as a result of the great views of the Cascade mountains.
So it is determined as a great location to find some coins.
Check out the Best State Parks in Washington to Metal Detect!

Battle Ground Lake State Park
This is a popular spot for hiking and fishing. And it is a very interesting location to walk around as well. It was originally formed by a volcanic eruption.
This is why the place attracts a lot of people. Detectorists find it is also a great place to find coins.

Valley View Memorial Cemetery
You know that cemeteries are great places for metal detecting.
This is because a lot of people visit this place and there is a possibility of coins falling out of their pockets.
So this cemetery which is located in Bothell, Seattle North is no exception.

4. War Artifacts
Metal detecting for war artifacts can be a little bit tricky as there are many laws and regulations related to historical artifacts.

But with permission, it will be possible to detect some areas in Washington for war artifacts.
Steptoe Battlefield State Park
This is located in Rosalia, Washington. It marks the site of the battle in 1858 between the US Army and Native Americans.
With a permit, metal detectorists are able to detect the area.
The permit should be obtained from the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission.
You will be able to find war relics such as old bullets and uniform buttons.

This is a neighborhood in Seattle that was a significant hub during World War ll.
It was home to factories that produced goods for the war. Metal detecting this area may yield war artifacts such as medals, buttons, or dog tags.

Fort Simcoe State Park
This is located between Yakima and White Swan, Washington. It was once a military fort.
It also served as a meeting place between the soldiers and Native American tribes during the Indian wars.
The park offers opportunities for metal detecting and relics such as buttons, bullets, and buckles can be found here.

Marmes Rock Shelter
The Marmes Rock Shelter is located in southeastern Washington.
It is an archeological site that covers a period of human settlement from 10,000 years ago.
If permission from the Army can be obtained, the area would be a great spot to find war relics such as arrowheads, and spearheads from the Indian and Civil War eras.

5. Historical Relics
Because of Washington’s history, there are many locations where metal detectorists can find historical relics.

San Juan Island National Historical Park
This park is located on San Juan Island and it preserves important sites that belong to the Pig War era.
This includes American and British camps.
There are many hotspots here that can be detected for historical relics.
Olympic National Park
Olympic National Park is home to many archeological sites.
This includes petroglyphs and burial grounds. Detectorists must obtain a permit to search for relics within the park.

Colville National Forest
This is a huge forest that covers over 1.1 million acres in northeastern Washington and it includes many sites that are historically valuable.
There are also abandoned mining areas where it will be possible to detect tools and equipment.

Seattle Underground
The underground network of Seattle lies beneath the historical Pioneer Square district of the city.
Here, relics from the early days such as coins and tokens that belonged to old businesses can be found.

Fort Cassey State Park
This is a former military fort located on Whidbey Island.
You will be able to find ancient relics including buttons and other small objects.
6. Lost Treasures

Here are some locations to consider when searching for lost treasures in Washington.
Cascade Mountains
Many tales regarding gold and silver mines hidden in these mountains have circulated for centuries.
Some stories date back to the mid-1800s. Precious metal nuggets can be found at this place with the permission of the archeological department.

Olympic Mountains
This is another location where there are stories tangled with hidden treasures. It has a rich history with Native Americans and gold deposits.

Mount Rainier
This is a popular hiking and camping destination with a history of hidden treasures.
So metal detectorists may be able to find treasures and other valuable lost items that are left behind.

Columbia River
This river has played a significant role in Washington’s history. Many ships that have carried valuable cargo have sunk in the river over the centuries.
The shoreline is popular among metal detectorists as some of them were able to find old gold coins and jewelry.

7. Old Farm Tools
I will mention some locations related to farming around Washington.

Remember to do thorough research before you head out to any of these locations.
This is a small town located in southeast Washington that was founded in the 1880s. It was a major hub for wheat production.
There were a lot of farms and homesteads and still, there are remains of them.
So these places will have old farm tools buried under the ground.
Old Considine Dary, Kent
This is a historic site that was established in the early 1900s. It has been abandoned for many years and now it is turned into a park.
You might be able to detect this area for old farming equipment.
Steptoe Butte State Park
This is located in southeastern Washington and this area is popular as a wheat farming ground.
So old tools including farming tools might be found buried here.

Lyman is in northwestern Washington which was established in the late 1800s.
This town has several buildings and farms that might have old farm tools.
You need to get permission from the city authorities to detect this area.
Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument
This monument covers over 100,000 acres of land. It also includes several historic homesteads and farms.
Many of these areas have been abandoned since the 1980 eruption and the location might have old farm tools underneath the ground.

Congrats folks! Now you know all the best metal detecting finds in Washington and where you could find them in detail.
Now I’m going to share with you some tips that I’ve learned during the time I was metal detecting in Washington.
Some of the below tips were gathered from local detectorists in Washington.
However, these tips will help you to find cool treasures from different areas in Washington with out messing things up.
Just keep reading!
Tips For Finding Treasures When Metal Detecting In Washington
Here are some metal detecting tips that would be helpful in metal detecting Washington.
Check the Weather
Washington has frequent rainfall. So it is important to check on the weather forecast before heading to detecting.
And also be prepared for rain by investing a little to keep yourself and the equipment dry.
Research the Locations
Do a thorough research on the locations that you are planning to detect.
Look for the history of the area and try to identify old places that may have existed.
This will increase the chances of finding objects.
Get Permission
Always obtain relevant permission to detect the properties.
Make sure that metal detecting is allowed in public areas.
Use the Right Detector
Make sure that you use the right metal detector that is suitable for the conditions in Washington. Consider buying a waterproof detector.
Follow the Regulations
Washington state has regulations on detecting state parks and other public lands.
Make sure you follow all the rules to avoid getting into any legal trouble.
Join a Club
Joining a metal detecting club in Washington is a great way to connect with other metal detectorists and enthusiasts and learn about the best areas to detect around Washington.
Respect the Environment
Always leave the area as it was once you are done with metal detecting.
Respect any of the artifacts that you may find. Inform the authorities about the findings and follow the rules.
Remember to fill in any holes you dig and avoid damaging any natural or historic features.
By following these tips, you can have a successful metal-detecting experience while enjoying it.
Washington is a great state to perform metal detecting and it will surely give you some amazing findings.

Metal detecting enthusiast Mick Wade, after discovering a 19th-century wedding band belonging to prominent Washington resident Clara Conger at the Washington County Fairgrounds, plans to publicly display the historically valuable ring, emphasizing its significance over its monetary value.
Now, let’s answer some frequently asked questions.
Which beaches in Washington are known for finding jewelry?
Ocean Shores Beach on the Washington coast and Long Beach Peninsula in southwestern Washington are popular spots for detecting jewelry.
Where can one search for historical relics in Washington?
San Juan Island National Historical Park, Olympic National Park, Colville National Forest, the Seattle Underground, and Fort Cassey State Park on Whidbey Island are potential spots for finding historical relics.
What tips can you provide for metal detecting in Washington?
Before heading out, always check the weather forecast, research your chosen location, obtain necessary permissions, use the right metal detector, follow state regulations, consider joining a local metal detecting club, and always respect the environment and the artifacts you find.
Is it important to join a metal detecting club in Washington?
Joining a metal detecting club in Washington can be beneficial as it offers opportunities to connect with experienced detectorists, learn about the best areas to detect, and share findings and experiences.
Do I need permission to metal detect in Washington State Parks?
Yes, you need to obtain a permit or relevant permissions to metal detect in Washington State Parks, and always make sure to follow the state’s regulations to avoid legal troubles.
Did I cover all you wanted to know about Best Metal Detecting Finds in Washington
In this article, I’ve deeply explored the best metal detecting finds in Washington based on my and expert detectorists’ opinions. I’ve included the locations where you can find the most treasures as well.
Best metal detecting finds in Washington include gold nuggets in Liberty and Skagit River, historic coins in Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, war artifacts in Steptoe Battlefield State Park, and jewelry at Ocean Shores Beach. Ensure to obtain relevant permissions and respect state regulations before searching
Furthermore, I’ve answered some frequently asked questions a swell.
Hope you’ve learned all you wanted to know about the best metal detecting finds in Washington in detail with tips and techniques.
Now it’s time to plan your next trip to the locations stated above and start digging for treasures like a pro!