5 Best Places to Find Mercury Metal Detecting

Ready to unearth liquid metal treasures? Discover the best places for mercury metal detecting and elevate your treasure-hunting game!

Best Places to Find Mercury Metal Detecting

In my metal detecting journey I have almost come across all the metallic objects. Metallic objects are usually in solid form.

Mercury is the only metal we could find in liquid form which makes it even more interesting to find. And Yes, Mercury can be detected by your metal detector!

I was fond of where I could come across mercury-contained lamps and other items while metal detecting.

So I made up a list and wanted to share it with you too.

Here are the, Best Places to Find Mercury Metal Detecting,

  1. Abandoned Healthcare Sectors
  2. Old Industrial Sites
  3. Disposal Sites
  4. Abandoned Mines
  5. Beaches

But that’s just a quick snapshot!

Above mentioned are some top places you could find Mercury contained artifacts if you are really looking forward.

Join me in this article as I further discuss the best places to find Mercury metal detecting including mercury-containing lamps, items, and others.

Furthermore, I’ll answer some frequently asked questions as well.

The journey begins!

Did you know fact about Detecting Mercury treasures
Did you know fact about Detecting Mercury treasures

Top Mercury Detecting Locations

Let me elaborate on the best locations to look for Mercury artifacts a bit more so you can comprehend why and how things work.

It is crucial to be aware that handling mercury and its products can have negative effects on your health, thus it is advised to use caution and stay away from direct contact.

1. Abandoned Healthcare Sectors

As we all know Thermometers, Blood pressure monitors, Amalgam waste from dental treatments, and specific types of laboratory equipment were all frequently found to contain mercury.

Older or abandoned areas may still have these mercury-containing goods, even while modern healthcare institutions have switched to safer alternatives.

Let’s look into some possible examples,

  • Thermometers– The bulb of conventional glass thermometers contains a little quantity of mercury. Handling damaged thermometers should be done with caution since mercury exposure can be dangerous.
  • Dental Amalgam Waste– Old dental amalgam, which contains mercury, was occasionally disposed of by dental offices in specialized disposal bins. Search these places for any empty boxes or containers.
  • Sphygmomanometer- Mercury was frequently utilized in older sphygmomanometers, which were used to measure blood pressure. Search for any potentially abandoned gadgets, either whole or damaged.
Abandoned healthcare sites are great for fining mercury items
Abandoned healthcare sites are great for fining mercury items

2. Old Industrial Sites

Several companies, including the creation of electrical switches, batteries, fluorescent lighting, and other chemical manufacturing processes, frequently employed mercury.

The proper handling and disposal of mercury were subject to less laws in the past, so it’s probable that some of it is still in use at former industrial locations.

Let’s look into some possible examples,

  • Electrical Switches- Tilt switches and mercury relays were two examples of switches that frequently employed mercury. These switches were frequently present in earlier electrical apparatus and systems.
  • Fluorescent Bulbs- There is some mercury vapor in certain vintage fluorescent light bulbs. To avoid mercury leakage, it’s crucial to handle and dispose of these bulbs appropriately.
  • Industrial Equipments– Mercury may have been employed in some industrial machinery and equipment operations or parts. Examples include particular kinds of flow meters, barometers, and gauges.
  • Batteries- Some battery types, such as button-cell batteries, may include trace quantities of mercury. The majority of modern batteries, however, are mercury-free.
Old Industrial Sites are great for fining mercury items
Old Industrial Sites are great for fining mercury items

3. Disposal Sites

Disposal sites frequently have a variety of unwanted items, including those that could contain mercury.

Let’s look into some possible examples,

  • Barometer- To measure atmospheric pressure, some barometers also have a little quantity of mercury in them. To avoid any unintentional leaks, they should be handled cautiously.
  • Thermometer- Some liquid mercury can be found in vintage mercury thermometers. They have the potential to break, releasing deadly mercury vapor that can be ingested.
  • Fluorescent Light Bulbs– Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and vintage fluorescent tubes are two examples of fluorescent light bulbs that contain tiny levels of mercury vapor.
Dump sites are great for metal detecting
Dump sites are great for metal detecting

4. Abandoned Mines

Gold and silver extraction from ore was one of the many uses for mercury that were widespread in mining operations. 

During the mining operation, mercury could have occasionally leaked out or been forgotten.

Consequently, there is a possibility of finding mercury or artifacts containing mercury if you are metal detecting in a location where mining has a history.

Let’s look into some possible examples,

  • Amalgam Containers– These are little pots or boxes that are used to transport and store mercury. They can be created from glass or metal.
  • Broken Mercury Vapor Lamps– Mercury vapor lamps, which were used to light underground spaces, may sometimes be found in abandoned mines.
  • Electrical Switches– These are electrical switches that have some mercury in them. They were frequently utilized in older machinery and appliances, such as tilt switches or thermostats.
Abandoned mines are great for finding mercury containing items
Abandoned mines are great for finding mercury-containing items

5. Beaches

Rarely are considerable amounts of mercury discovered on beaches used for metal detecting.

A heavy metal like mercury does not often exist in high proportions in coastal areas. 

Although mercury may occasionally be present as a result of natural geological processes or past industrial operations, it is extremely uncommon to be found during metal detecting.

Coins, jewelry, bottle caps, beverage cans, fishing weights, and other metallic things typically lost or abandoned by beachgoers are among the items that metal detectors are more likely to uncover on beaches.

Let’s look into some possible examples,

  • Coins with mercury content– Some ancient coins, especially those produced before the 20th century, may contain trace levels of mercury. Such coins are uncommon, however you could find them when metal detecting on the beach.
  • Fishing Weights– Some fishing weights may contain mercury in it and could be detected.
Beaches are great for fining any metal
Beaches are great for fining any metal

Now I’m going to share the states where I have gathered most of the mercury items. My fellow local detectorists confirmed my details.

Best States in the US to Find Mercury Metal Detecting

In most parts of the United States, it is quite unusual to locate considerable levels of mercury while metal detecting.

The majority of soil or sediment environments do not normally contain high quantities of mercury. 

The majority of the time, traces of mercury cannot be found with a metal detector, even if they may be present owing to things like ancient industrial operations or natural geological processes.

Tip for detecting Mercury treasures
Tip for detecting Mercury treasures

Coins, jewelry, buttons, relics, and other metallic artifacts that have been misplaced or abandoned over time are frequent items that metal detectorists in the United States are more likely to find.

The following states were picked because they have the potential of containing Mercury artifacts and are noteworthy historically and I would like to share them with you all.

1. California

Mercury mining has a long history in California, particularly in the Sierra Nevada and Coast Ranges. 

While metal detecting, it’s still unlikely to come across any mercury that can be detected.

I’ve personally been to California for several metal detecting sessions and able to find lots of mercury-contained items, especially from ghost towns.

Anyways, let’s look into some examples,

  • Mercury Dimes– Silver Mercury dimes were produced between 1916 and 1945 in the United States. They are referred to as “mercury dimes” because the obverse of the coin has a picture of the ancient Roman deity Mercury.
  • Gold mining artifacts– You could discover remains of previous mercury-gold amalgamation techniques in regions where gold mining has a rich historical background. Mercury flasks or containers used to separate gold from other materials may be examples of these.
  • Old barometers– Mercury is frequently used to gauge atmospheric pressure in old barometers, particularly those created before the mid-20th century. If you come across one while out metal detecting, it would be fascinating to examine or perhaps restore.
Sierra Nevada California great for fining mercury when metal detecting
Sierra Nevada California great for fining mercury when metal detecting

2. Nevada

Another state with a history of mercury mining is Nevada. 

Mercury may be present in small concentrations in some places, especially those close to abandoned mines, although it is uncommon to locate it with a metal detector.

Let’s look into some examples,

  • Mercury retorts- To separate valuable metals from other materials, these equipment were frequently employed in gold and silver mining operations. They include heating a chamber where mercury would evaporate, leaving the required minerals behind.
  • Mercury flasks or bottles– Specialized containers were frequently used to store and transport mercury. These containers, which can be constructed of glass or another material, are frequently dumped in mining regions.
  • Historical artifacts: Nevada has a long history of mining, and you could come across a variety of relics from that time period. These could consist of money, buttons, belt buckles, or other items that might have been tainted with mercury as a result of the metal’s use in mining techniques.
Mining and railroad near Virginia City, Nevada great for fining mercury treasures
Mining and railroad near Virginia City, Nevada great for fining mercury treasures

In addition to these states, there are some other states where you could possibly go for Mercury detection,

  • Texas
  • Idaho
  • Arizona
Old mercury item found when metal detecting
Old mercury item found when metal detecting

Best Countries to Find Mercury when Metal Detecting

Mercury has been utilized and sold throughout history on a global scale, therefore metal detecting for it is not just done in a few particular nations.

The probability of discovering things connected to mercury, however, may be higher in particular areas recognized for their previous mining activity.

Old mercury thermometer found when metal detecting in California
Old mercury thermometer found when metal detecting in California

Here are a few examples of countries where mercury is mined and where there may be a greater likelihood of finding artifacts connected to mercury,

1. Spain

One of the biggest and oldest mercury mines in the world is the Almaden mine in Spain. 

I’ve been to Spain several times and was able to find lots of mercury treasures which were worth a lot.

Due to the lengthy history of mercury extraction in this area, it is possible to locate artifacts relating to mercury there.

Let’s look into some possible examples,

  • Mining equipment- Metal detectors may unearth mining equipment such as picks, shovels, hammers, or even mercury retorts, which were used to collect and refine mercury from its ore.
  • Amalgamation Drums– To separate precious minerals from undesirable stuff, mercury was mixed with crushed ore in these containers.
  • Remnants of Furnaces– Metal detecting may turn up traces of the kilns or furnaces that were used to heat and extract mercury.
  • Artifacts from Mercury Mines- Mining-related artifacts, such as signs, rail lines, or even the personal effects of miners, may shed light on the past of mercury extraction.
Templar Castle in Ponferrada, Spain
Templar Castle in Ponferrada, Spain

2. Italy

Several mercury mines, notably the well-known Monte Amiata mine, are located in the Tuscany area of Italy. 

I haven’t been to Italy. But my fellow metal detectorists are living there and they gave me information about the mercury metal detecting places in Italy.

These regions could include mining industry relics and offer chances for metal-detecting artifacts connected to mercury.

Let’s look into some examples,

  • Artifacts from Ancient Roman Baths– Mercury was used in several ancient Roman baths for a variety of therapeutic and aesthetic procedures. Nearby metal detecting may turn up artifacts connected to the use of mercury.
  • Mining Tools and Equipment– Metal detectors may find tools, machinery components, or equipment remnants connected to mercury mining and processing operations in historically significant mining regions.
  • Artistic Objects– Mercury was frequently employed in gilding and silvering processes on artistic objects. Finding mercury-gilded things like mirrors, frames, or ornamental items may result from metal detecting.
Near Monte Amiata mine Italy for mercury metal detecting
Near Monte Amiata mine Italy for mercury metal detecting

 That’s it, folks! Now you know the best places to find mercury metal detecting including general locations, the best states in the US, and also the best countries in the world for mercury treasures.

Mercury deposits are most commonly found in cinnabar ore, and significant reserves exist in countries like China, Kyrgyzstan, and Peru. In the United States, California and Nevada have historical records of mercury mining.


So, let’s answer some frequently asked questions.


Why is mercury unique among metals for metal detecting?

Mercury is unique in its liquid form at room temperature, making it a captivating find for metal detectorists. Its rarity and hazardous nature add a layer of complexity and excitement to the hunt.

What makes abandoned healthcare sectors a good place to find mercury?

Abandoned healthcare facilities often contain medical equipment like old thermometers and blood pressure monitors that utilized mercury. Exploring these areas, therefore, can lead to finding mercury-containing artifacts.

Is it safe to handle mercury-containing objects?

Direct contact with mercury is hazardous and should be avoided. Always take safety precautions like wearing gloves and masks when you suspect you’ve found a mercury-containing artifact.

What are some examples of mercury-containing objects one might find in old industrial sites?

Old industrial sites can offer finds like mercury-laden electrical switches and fluorescent bulbs. The artifacts you find could be a window into past industrial processes that made extensive use of mercury.

What kind of mercury-related items are commonly found in abandoned mines?

Abandoned mines may house mercury vapor lamps and electrical switches containing mercury. Such finds can serve as historical artifacts from mining eras gone by.

How prevalent is mercury in modern-day batteries found during metal detecting?

Modern batteries are generally mercury-free due to environmental regulations. The chance of finding batteries containing mercury today is relatively low.

What should I do if I find an object that contains mercury?

If you find an object containing mercury, ensure you handle it carefully with proper safety gear. Consult experts or hazardous material disposal services for proper handling and disposal.

Did I cover all you wanted to know about the Best Places to Find Mercury Metal Detecting?

In this article, I’ve deeply explored the best places to find mercury metal detecting with the general locations everyone can look out.

Plus, I’ve included the best states in the US that are known for mercury items and also the best countries in the world that are great for mercury metal detection.

The best places to find mercury while metal detecting are abandoned healthcare facilities, old industrial sites, and historical mercury mining areas, particularly in states like California and Nevada. Always prioritize safety by wearing gloves and masks when handling mercury-containing objects.

Many of the above states that I’ve mentioned were covered by myself and able to find lots of mercury treasures. 

I’ve gathered information by interviewing my fellow metal detectorists from the above states and countries that I’ve nerve been to.

Hope you’ve learned everything you wanted to know about the best places to find mercury metals etecting with my personal experiences as a detectorist.

Now it’s time to take your metal detector and go for treasure hunting. Share this article with your fellow metal detectorists who are interested in finding mercury. All the best!

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