Can Metal Detectors Detect Chromium?

Ever swept a beach with a metal detector, wondering if that glint beneath the sand could be chromium? Let’s dive deep into this metallic mystery!

Can Metal Detectors Detect Chromium

As an avid metal detector who has been in the meta-detecting game for 15 years, one of the things that always bugged my mind was the fact of finding heavy meats from my metal detector. 

As this was ground that hasn’t been explored much, I took the challenge upon myself to see whether I could succeed in finding heavy metals from my metal detector. 

One of those heavy metals which always intrigued my mind was chromium. 

This is an interesting metal with different uses, and I was very eager to find a piece of chromium with my metal detector and did deep research with the help of experts.

With years of experience, here’s what I know about, Can metal detectors detect chromium?

Yes, metal detectors can detect chromium, a non-ferrous metal. Detection efficiency varies based on the size, depth, and purity of the chromium object. Specific detectors like the Garrett AT Pro and Minelab Equinox 800 are particularly effective for chromium detection.

So, in this article, I’ll explore can metal detectors deetct chromium, how to detect chromium with your metal detectors and some tips for detecting chromium to increase your chances of finding chromium through metal detecting. 

Hang around till the end and find out more about chromium detecting explained by myself, a first-hand knowledge holder in the complicated field of heavy metal detecting. 

So, let’s jump in!

Chromium items found when metal detecting
Chromium items found when metal detecting

Will Metal Detectors Detect Chromium?

Yes, metal detectors are capable of detecting chromium, but we get into details there is a complex process, regarding detecting chromium from metal detectors. 

Chromium is a non-ferrous metal and all the non-ferrous metal can be detected by metal detectors.

Metal detectors are designed to pinpoint and locate objects, specifically metal objects lying beneath the surface of the Earth. 

Apart from the fact of the equipment you are using, there are several other factors which could enhance or reduce the ability of you to find something valuable with your metal detector. 

Metal detectors detect underground objects by emitting electromagnetic radiation. 

When this electromagnetic radiation travel through soil and meet a meta-object, it generates a counter-current system known as eddy current in the said metal.

Then this counter-current system travels back to the surface of the earth. 

The travel back current is then detected by the magnetic coil in the metal detector, then upon the detection, a signal is emitted as a visual or audio to inform the user. 

The amount of current reproduced in the metal will be dependable on several factors one of the major factors that determine the strength of the eddy current produced is the depth at which it is buried. 

Other factors which could influence the ability of metal detectors to find chromium are the size of the metal and purity of the metal. 

If a pure large piece of chromium is buried underground, it is more easily identified than a small less pure chromium piece. 

Characteristics of Chromium metal
Characteristics of Chromium metal

Best Metal detectors for Chromium 

Now I’m going to share with your metal detectors that are great for finding chromium treasures.

I have personally used the below detectors to find chromium treasures and got amazing results.

Garrett AT Pro 

Garrett AT Pro is one of the most versatile metal detectors on the market.

The all-terrain capabilities of this metal detector make it more than useful in finding chromium hidden underground.

Minelab Equinox 800

This metal detector is equipped with multi-frequency technology which helps in identifying non-ferrous targets efficiently. This is very helpful in finding small pieces of chromium pieces.

Fisher F75

Equipped with the best sensitivity settings for detecting small metal particles, this Fisher F75 could be a game changer for you in the hunt for chromium.

XP Deus

XP Deus is a very lightweight metal detector with exceptional sensitivity settings. 

These settings could be very helpful in finding even the smallest piece of chromium without any complexions 

Chromium jewelry found when metal detecting
Chromium jewelry found when metal detecting

Makro Racer 2

With its advanced discrimination features this metal detector can pick up even the slightest piece of chromium by removing the unwanted signals from other metals. 

Nokta Marko Simplex+

This is a very good metal detector with effective target separation features it allows you to differentiate various metal signals from the desired metal signal on top of that this is one of the more affordable metal detectors in the market.

Minelab Vanquish 540

This metal detector is equipped with several search modes to excel in different conditions these multiple search modes help you to find the target in any environmental condition easily.

Garrett ACE 400

Garrett ACE 400 offers great depth detection with enhanced target separation. 

These two features combined will provide the perfect condition for finding chromium pieces that are hidden well below the surface of the Earth. 

Whites MX Sport 

This is a waterproof metal detector, which will provide the user with the capability of finding chromium even under water. 

Teknetics T2 Classic

This metal detector is equipped with high-sensitivity features and settings which will allow the user to separate chromium from various other metal signals. 

And successfully detect chromium in highly mineralized soil.

Did you know fact about Detecting chromium
Did you know fact about Detecting chromium

Best Places to Find Chromium When Metal Detecting

One of the most essential parts of a metal detecting session is knowing where to start the metal detecting session. 

Without the proper idea of where to search for a particular metal, we would be lost amongst the crowd.

Conducting good research is an important part of having success in finding any metals. 

Here are some of the locations that I found to be successful in finding chromium through metal detecting.

  • San Luis Obispo County, California 
  • Hudspeth County, Texas
  • Clackamas County, Oregon
  • Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
  • Clar County, Nevada

Above mentioned are some locations that I have been to and have had success in finding chromium through metal detecting. 

Following are some international locations for readers all over the world to try and find out some pieces of chromium from your metal detector.

  • Cornwall, England
  • Norfolk, England
  • Goldfields-Esperance Region, Western Australia, Australia
  • Adelaide Hills, South Australia, Australia

Even though I haven’t been to the locations mentioned below, I have gained valuable information from m fellow metal-detecting enthusiasts about these locations. 

There are said to be possible chromium deposits in these locations. 

  • Elazig Province, Turkey 
  • Kemi-Torino region, Finland 
Chromium relic found when metal detecting
Chromium relic found when metal detecting

How Deep Can a Metal Detector Detect Chromium 

So, up to now, we have looked into what are the best metal detectors to find chromium as well as what are the best places to find chromium through metal detecting. 

Some other factors will determine the depth at which the chromium is detected by the metal detector. 

Let’s look into those factors.  

The Technology of The Metal Detector

The technology of the metal detector plays a huge part in determining the detection depth for chromium. 

Metal detectors with advanced technologies will lead the way with the most successful recoveries of chromium from the earth’s surface while the other metal detectors will follow. 

Therefore, if you have a metal detector with advanced capabilities and technology, you are bound to find more chromium naturally.

Read my comprehensive guide about How Deep Can a Metal Detector Detect?

Tip for detecting Chromium items
Tip for detecting Chromium items


Metal detectors that can reach higher frequencies have a huge chance of finding smaller and placer deposits of chromium. 

Even though it comes with reduced depth for detection, the ability to find even the smallest chromium lying in the surface layers will be more useful than finding something far deep. 

Size Of The Target

If the size of the chromium particle is large, it could only be detected at a shallower depth. 

In regards to smaller particles, they could be even detected at deeper compared to larger particles. 

Smaller the size of the particle, the greater the detection depth.

Soil Conditions

If the chromium is situated in highly mineralized soil with various other metals, it will be a bit difficult to separate and single out chromium with all the mixed signals. 

In these types of highly mineralized soil conditions, the depth of detection will be lowered. 

Chromium coins found when metal detecting
Chromium coins found when metal detecting


The conductivity of chromium also plays a part in the depth at which chromium is found. 

As the chromium has slightly lower conductivity the depth at which chromium is detected might be reduced compared with other metals. 

Coil Size

Larger coils are capable of penetrating much deeper targets. 

Whereas if you have a metal detector with a larger coil, the chances of you finding chromium are increased.

Ground Balance

Adjusting the ground balance settings to suit the ground will also massively impact the depth at which chromium is found. 

Correct ground balance settings will ensure the user minimum interferences with other metal signals in highly mineralized soils. 

How to detect Chromium
How to detect Chromium

Valuable Chromium Finds

During the time I have been involved in finding chromium, I uncovered some marvelous items from metal detecting. 

Here are some of the things that I found during metal detecting for chromium.

Antique Chromium-Plated Items

These are one of the most common findings f chromium that I encountered. 

During the 1900s almost all antique wear was plated with chromium for safety and longevity. 

So finding antique kitchenware and decorative plates with chromium plating will be easy for you too. 

Chromium artifact found when metal detecting
Chromium artifact found when metal detecting

Chromium Artifacts 

Chromium artifacts like utensils and weapons and their parts are very common in historical sites. 

These are so valuable in providing insights into early civilizations as well as their technologies.

Rare Chromium Minerals

Rare chromium minerals like Crocoite, have a special value among mineral collectors. 

This lead-infused chromium mineral sometimes will be more valuable than gold in the correct market.

Chromium Alloys

Chromium alloys are next on the list, which could be found easily. 

Chromium alloys like nichrome and stainless steel are easy to discover due to their resistance to corrosion and electrical conductivity,

Chromium Infused Artworks

Sculptures and statues with chromium infusions are also easy to find. 

These have a huge value among collectors as well as history enthusiasts.

Chromium finds that can be found when metal detecting
Chromium finds that can be found when metal detecting

How to Clean Chromium Finds?

Cleaning the items uncovered from the earth might be the hardest part of a metal detector’s routine. 

Here are the steps that I follow to clean when I find some valuable item from metal detecting.

  • First of all, I assess the item. If the item is too delicate to handle or fragile I take it to a professional to get cleaned.
  • If it can be restored at home, then I will use a soft brush to remove dirt and debris from the chromium finding. 
  • After that, I will prepare a mild soap solution and then soak the finding for a couple of hours. Then after the finding has been soaked enough, using a soft cloth I will wipe the finding. 
  • Then after wiping, I will run it under running water to remove any soap from the item. 
  • I always pay attention to the constituents of the soap that I use to make the soap solution, as harsh chemicals could easily damage delicate findings. 
  • Then after it has been cleaned with water, I pat it dry with a soft cloth and then keep it fry for a couple of hours. 
  • After it has been completely dried, store it in an airtight container to preserve it.
Chromium ring found when metal detecting
Chromium ring found when metal detecting

Tips for Using Metal Detectors to Find Chromium

So, we have come to the last parts of this interesting article. 

As I promised you I will be sharing some of my tips, which worked like a charm for me in finding chromium. 

Here are those tips,

Always Choose the Right Metal Detector

As a metal detecting enthusiast, you might have more than one metal detector with you. 

If you are someone with more than one metal detector, I ask you to stick with the one you know best. 

Because knowing the right settings and the metal detector well will impact massively in the outcome.

If you have only one metal detector with you, it is easy for you. Use the metal detector you have with confidence.

Research, Research, Research 

I couldn’t stress this anymore. Researching is the major ingredient in the recipe for successful metal detecting. 

This research will save you loads of time as well as energy while achieving maximum satisfaction with minimum effort.  

Tip for detecting Chromium
Tip for detecting Chromium

Correct Settings More Findings

Applying the correct sensitivity settings, ground balance settings, and adjustments will ensure you maximum yield in metal detecting. 

So to apply the correct settings you should always know the metal detector inside-out.

Experience Is the Key

If you are new to metal-detecting chromium, treat it as a new subject. 

Try to learn every little thing possible from every scenario. 

Because I can guarantee you even those little things will help you massively in the grand scheme of things. 

Does Chromium Set Off Metal Detectors at Airport

No. Chromium isn’t capable of triggering airport metal detectors. 

These airport metal detectors are used to find dangerous amounts of metals entering and exiting the borders. 

So a small amount of chromium will not trigger the metal detectors at the airport. 

Congrats folks! Now you know everything I wanted you to tell about, can metal detectors detect chromium with the detection procedure.

Chromium metallic item found when metal detecting
Chromium metallic item found when metal detecting

South Africa was the largest producer of chromium, accounting for nearly 40% of the global chromite ore production

So, let’s answer some frequently asked questions.


What type of metal is chromium considered for detection purposes?

Chromium is classified as a non-ferrous metal, which means it does not contain iron and is not magnetic.

How do metal detectors identify metals like chromium beneath the ground?

Metal detectors emit electromagnetic radiation; when this encounters a metal object like chromium, it induces an eddy current in the metal. This eddy current produces a secondary electromagnetic field, detected by the metal detector, signaling the presence of metal.

Does the size of the chromium object affect its detectability?

Yes, A larger, purer piece of chromium is more easily detected than a smaller, less pure piece. Depth of burial and surrounding soil conditions can also influence detectability.

How does the soil condition affect the detection of chromium?

In highly mineralized soil conditions with various metals, it can be challenging to distinguish chromium from other metals. This complexity can reduce the detection depth and accuracy.

Can you find valuable chromium artifacts using a metal detector?

Yes, with a metal detector, enthusiasts have uncovered items like antique chromium-plated wares, chromium artifacts, and even rare chromium minerals such as Crocoite.

Did I cover all you wanted to know about: Can Metal Detectors Detect Chromium?

In this article, I’ve deeply discussed can metal detectors detect chromium by taking my real-life experiences. I’ve explained how to detect chromium, and detection depths with all the tips and techniques that I’ve learned over the past years.

Yes. Metal detectors can detect chromium. Metal detectors are designed to detect ferrous and non-ferrous metals, chromium is a non-ferrous metal, so it is detectable by the metal detectors. The detectability of chromium will be based on several other factors lie natural factors and artificial factors.

Furthermore, I’ve answered some frequently asked questions as well.

Hope you’ve gained pretty good knowledge about detecting chromium treasures with your metal detectors.

So, what are you waiting for? Take your companion metal detector and go for chromium treasure hunting like a pro!

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