Ever wrapped a sandwich in tin foil and walked through a metal detector? Curious about the outcome? Discover the intriguing science behind this everyday conundrum!

There are some things in life; even if we don’t want to meet them, they just pop up. For me, it has been tin foil, the constant stranger during metal-detecting trips that I’m not planning to meet.
Tin foil is a very flexible sheet of tin metal and is sometimes mixed with lead.
After World War II, aluminum foil, which is more affordable and long-lasting, replaced tin foil. But Tin foil is stiffer than most aluminum foils.
The ultra-slimness of this metal sheet has led to questions being raised in the metal detecting community; Can a very slim metal sheet like tin foil trigger a metal detector?
I personally met some professionals to find answers to my questions about tin foil and gained excellent replies.
So, let’s find out, Does tin foil set off metal detectors?
Yes, Tin foil can set off metal detectors. Its detectability primarily depends on the sensitivity of the metal detector, the size and shape of the tin foil, and the environmental conditions where the detection is taking place.
So, in the rest of the article, I will talk about this mysterious metal, tin foil, and how it affects the life of a metal-detecting enthusiast.
Hang around till the end and let me educate you about tin foil and its relationship with metal detectors, alongside potential valuable findings you could unravel while detecting tin foil.
So let’s dig in!

Can Metal Detectors Detect Tin?
Yes, metal detectors can detect tin since it reacts with the electromagnetic field generated by the coil of the metal detectors.
This is one of those questions even the pros in the game struggle a little bit while answering.
Even if you are a professional metal detectorist, if you don’t have ample working experience in various backgrounds and places, you might struggle to answer this question
From my point of view, metal detectors are capable of finding tin. The metal detectors with higher sensitivities designs can easily separate and identify tin among other metals.
Metal detectors work by emitting electromagnetic radiation to the ground.

When this electromagnetic radiation is met by a metallic object, it resonates with this energy and produces counter-current radiation known as eddy current.
Then this produced counter current is detected by the magnetic coil in the metal detector, which triggers the metal detector, allowing us to know that there is something beneath the ground.
Tin is a non-ferrous metal, so if it is to be detected by a metal detector, it should have good electrical conductivity.
Tin’s electrical conductivity is good, as it is capable of producing a counter current that is barely strong enough to trigger metal detectors.
But, the ability of metal detectors to detect tin might vary on certain factors.
Natural factors which affect the metal-detecting ability are weather, soil composition, and surrounding objects in the soil.
The properties of tin that affect the detection procedure are the size, thickness, and purity of the tin.
Do you know that Tin is a non-magnetic metal that can be detected by metal detectors.

Best Metal Detectors for Tin
Some metal detectors are best suited for finding tin foil than other metal detectors.
Here are some of the best metal detectors in the market to find tin foil.
- Garrett AT Pro: The iron audio feature of this metal detector allows it to specifically distinguish between iron and non-iron targets. Making it easier to identify tin among other substances.
- Minelab Equinox 800: The multi-IQ feature of the detector allows it to improve sensitivity for targets like nonferrous substances. This feature increases the chances of finding tin among other substances.
- Fisher F22: Adjustable Iron audio feature in this metal detector allows more discrimination of iron targets and identifies them easily. This helps in reducing false positives and helps in finding Tin.
- XP Deus: This metal detector is equipped with quick recovery between signals which helps in finding small shallow targets
- Nokta Marko Simplex+: Iron Volume control helps to control iron signals. This feature is massively helpful in finding tin among other objects.
- Garrett ACE 400: this metal detector has an advanced Iron audio feature that helps find non-ferrous targets among ferrous objects.
- Minelab Vanquish 540: Variable Iron bias offers precise control over iron discrimination this is helpful in the separation of ferrous and non-ferrous items while metal detecting.
- Teknetics T2 Classic: Variable ground balance feature help the user to fine-tune the metal detector’s performance according to the user’s liking. This makes it easier to find targets like tin in highly mineralized soil.
- Bounty Hunter Platinum: Target Identification display with adjustable discrimination feature help to remove unwanted metal signals and enhance signal detection for Tin.
- Whites TreasurePro: All metal mode which provides maximum sensitivity to the metal detector, helps in uncovering small metal targets from the ground.

How to Detect Tin Foil?
Detecting tin foil isn’t the easiest task in the world of metal detecting. so it should be approached with caution and with care.
Here are the steps that I follow in finding Tin foil using a metal detector,
- First, select the right metal detector. Among the various metal detectors present, select a metal detector with high sensitivity to nonferrous objects. This will increase the chances of you finding tin foil.
- Then set the discrimination level of the metal detector to reduce the interferences from other metals and focus on the target metal. To ensure the metal detector is working finely, I always pretest it with an available piece of tin foil so that I’m sure it works perfectly fine and my time won’t be wasted in the process.
- If there is an “All metal mode” or a “Zero Discrimination mode”, set the metal detector to this mode. These modes will help the metal detector to respond to all types of metals including tin foil.
- Then set the correct ground balance based on the mineralization of the soil in the ground.
- Sweep the ground with slow steady movements, covering the area. And make sure to pay attention to any signals that emitting from the detector. Going slow will help to pinpoint the location much quicker.
- As tin foil might generate a faint signal, the user should pay attention to small signals. Upon receiving a signal, using a digging tool carefully uncover the tin foil from the ground.

How Deep Can a Metal Detector Detect Tin Foil?
The actual depth that the signal of a metal detector can travel varies depending upon many things.
From natural reason to the way we handle the metal detector would cause a huge difference in finding the specific target or not.
Here are some of the factors that affect the depth range of a metal detector,
- The technology of the metal detector: VLF (Very Low Frequency) metal detectors are more effective in finding smaller targets like tin foil compared with PI metal detectors. But VLF detectors have a shallower depth range compared to PI detectors.
- Coil Size: the size of the coil of the metal detector also influences the detection depth. Whereas, larger coils can detect tin foil at deeper depths compared to smaller coils.
- Conductivity and Size of tin foil: The conductivity of tin foil is low compared to other metals. So detecting these at a deeper depth might be an impossible task. But if the size of the tin foil is larger it can even be detected at greater depths.
- Soil Mineralization: If the tin foil is present in highly mineralized soil, it reduces the depth of electromagnetic radiation can travel thereby reducing the detection depth.
- Metal detector Settings: If the metal detector isn’t optimized for increase the depth of detection the electromagnetic radiation will only detect tin foil in shallow areas. Adjusting settings like sensitivity, discrimination, and ground balance will help in increasing the range of the metal detector.
- Environmental interferences: Nearby objects that could disturb the electromagnetic radiation, as well as weather conditions could also determine the depth of detection.
These factors one by one or combined will determine the depth in which tin foil is found during metal detecting.
If you’re interested to know more about the detection ranges, Read my comprehensive guide about, How Deep Can a Metal Detector Detect?
So by paying close attention to details like these metal detecting enthusiasts could increase the depth range easily, to reach far deeper tin foil buried in the ground.

Valuable Tin Finds
Even though some don’t highly rate Tin as a valuable metal that can be found during metal detecting, there are some pretty good findings that we can find that are made out of Tin.
Here are some of them,
Historical Artifacts
Ancient artifacts made out of tin could be found during metal-detecting trips.
These include tin boxes, trays which use to store and hold different jewelry, and various other stuff. And I also have found toys made out of tin.

Tin coins
Tin coins which were used in historical periods could have a lot of value to them.
These are highly rated and valued by coin enthusiasts and collectors.

Tin Ingots
Tin ingots were also used as a currency in ancient times, probably before the coins’ era.
These are also highly rated and valued by coin collectors.
Tin Pottery and Ceramics
Ancient pottery items made out of tin also could be found during metal detecting.
These have an antique value to them and if it belongs to the monarchy the value of the item will be much higher.
Tin Mining Equipment
Ancient mining equipment made out of tin could also be a valuable find. These are mining equipment made out of tin.
These equipment have a lot of tin within them which makes it easier to identify them.
Decorative Tinware
Decorative household items like vases, trays, or candlesticks could also be found by metal detecting.
These will have a significant antique value to them.

How to Clean Tin Finds?
Cleaning in finds requires all the care and caution it needs.
Here are the simple steps that I follow to clean tin finds that I uncover.
- Assess the condition of the item before cleaning. If it is of high value or it is harder to clean at home, I will as for help from a professional. If it is possible to clean at home, I will start the cleaning process.
- First, using a soft brush remove the dust and dirt from the item. Use slow swift and gentle movements to remove any outside dust or dirt.
- Then make a soap solution by mixing soap and water, then soak the finding in the soap water for a couple of hours
- After a couple of hours using a soft cloth gently wipe excessive dirt from the surface of the finding. Then clean the tin object with running water.
- Then wipe the surface with a soft cloth to remove water from it. Then let it completely dry.
- After the tin finding has dried completely if it is tarnished I use some tarnish removers to remove the tarnish and restore its original look.
- Then after I will store the finding in an airtight box to minimize any air damage or moisture damage.

Tips for Using Metal Detectors to Find Tin
Here are some of the tips and tricks that I try to find Tin during metal detecting,
Choose the right metal detector
Choosing the right metal detector could go a long way.
If the right metal detector with high sensitivity settings is selected, you are bound to find Tin in every situation.
Research is the key
You can’t expect tin to be everywhere. So you have to do research before going on to metal detection.
I always look for old mining sites, old trade routes, or places where other people have had success finding Tin.
Read to know, Best Places To Find Tin when Metal Detecting!
Doing extensive research will make your job much easier.

Correct settings more findings
Even though you have the most powerful metal detector in the world in your hands, if you don’t know how to use it correctly you will not be able to find anything.
Just like that, during metal detecting for tin you have to adjust the settings accordingly.
Settings like ground balance, discrimination settings, and sensitivity settings should be adjusted accordingly to have success in finding tin.

Does Tin Set Off Metal Detectors in the Airport?
Due to its low electrical conductivity and hardness in discovering, mostly tin will not set off metal detectors at the airport.
But if the passenger is selected randomly for the extensive search then during these kinds of searches tin will be detected.
Mostly in airports, metal detectors are looking for potentially harmful amounts of metals coming in or going out of the airport.
So generally small amounts of tin will not be detected by these metal detectors.
That’s it, folks! Now you know does tin foil set off metal detectors with the most accurate method of fining tin items.

Tin, a vital industrial metal, was used in approximately 3 million tons of products globally in 2022, a testament to its vast and diverse applications.
So, let’s answer some frequently asked questions.
Are there any scenarios where tin foil might set off metal detectors?
Yes. There might be scenarios where tin foil might set off metal detectors. If the tin foil is crumpled up to form a large boil, the produced counter current will be high which will cause a spike in the metal detector.
Can tin foil wrapped around an object conceal it from metal detectors?
Wrapping tin foil around objects to conceal them from metal detectors have little to no effect. Sometimes it might backfire and cause a trigger in the metal detector.
What factors can affect the ability of metal detectors to detect tin?
Several factors such as weather, soil composition, surrounding objects in the soil, and the size, thickness, and purity of the tin can affect a metal detector’s ability to detect tin.
Can tin foil wrapped around an object conceal it from metal detectors?
Wrapping tin foil around objects to conceal them from metal detectors usually has little to no effect. In some instances, it could even cause the metal detector to trigger.

Did I Cover All You Wanted to Know About Does Tin Foil Set Off Metal Detectors?
In this article, I’ve deeply explored does tin foil set off metal detectors and how to detect tin with all the tricks and tips that I have learned from experience.
Tin foil does set off metal detectors, but due to its low thickness, sometimes tin foil is hard to detect under metal detectors. But metal detectors which are designed to perform with higher sensitivities could detect tin foil.
Furthermore, I’ve answered some frequently asked questions as well.
Tin is an interesting yet hard metal to find during metal detection. But if you look closely and carefully you might be able to uncover a whole lot of tin items before you know it.
I hope I covered all you wanted to know about does tin foil set off metal detectors. So, get your metal detectors ready, adjust the settings, and start searching for tin foil!