5 Best Metal Detecting Finds in Virginia

Ever wondered what treasures lie beneath Virginia’s soil? Join us on a thrilling journey as we uncover the most astonishing metal detecting finds in this historically rich state!

Best Metal Detecting Finds In Virginia

Are you someone from Virginia? The state is known for its moderately temperate winters and hot summers, ideal for metal detectors. This is one of the major reasons I was drawn to Virginia. 

Even though I was so intrigued about the climate and the ample opportunities it presents for metal detecting inversion, I could not visit the state until May 2019. 

In the last weeks of May, I thought of going on a solo trip to metal detecting in Virginia with some saved money. 

I never thought this would be as successful as it was. Due to the climate in Virginia, metal detecting is so easy. 

And there are a few locations where you can concentrate your attention and have the maximum out of the metal detecting sessions. 

Today, I thought of educating you about the common and the best findings you can uncover from the state of Virginia while metal detecting. 

Out of the week I spent in the state, there were some common findings that I stumbled upon in almost every location. 

So let me broaden your horizons about the stuff you can find while metal detecting in Virginia. 

The below findings were confirmed by my friendly local expert metal detectorists in Virginia.

Here are the best metal detecting finds in Virginia,

  1. Colonial Coins 
  2. Civil War Relics
  3. Military Artifacts
  4. Artifacts From Early Settlements
  5. Religious Artifacts

But that’s just a quick snapshot!

So, in the rest of the article, I will be talking about each of these findings and how you will be able to find these in Virginia. 

Then, I will share some locations where you can identify and detect these precious metal items in Virginia.

Furthermore, from my 12 years of experience, I wish to help all the youngsters by educating them about tips and tricks that I use to excel in every metal detecting session. 

But if you want to know them, you should hang around till the end. 

Even if you are a pro in the metal detecting game, I suggest you read till the end and share your opinions and thoughts about the article. 

So, let’s dig in! 

Treasures found in Virginia
Treasures found in Virginia

Best Metal Detecting Finds In Virginia

Let’s talk about the best treasure you are about to find while treasure hunting in Virginia.

Things you should consider when metal detecting in Virginia
Things you should consider when metal detecting in Virginia

Just keep reading!

1. Colonial Coins 

Coins are among the most common things you can find anywhere in any state. This is also true for Virginia. 

These coins can be categorized into different periods depending on their characteristics. Common categories these coins can be divided into are modern-day coins, Civil War era coins, Revolutionary War era coins, early settlement era coins, native American coins, and trade coins. 

Colonial coin found when metal detecting in Virginia
Colonial coin found when metal detecting in Virginia

Out of these categories, modern-day coins, early settlement coins, and the native American coins can be distinguished properly. 

Other coins are more or less similar in shape, size, and make, making them hard to distinguish. 

Early settlement era coins, more commonly abbreviated Colonial era coins, are the most common type of coin I found in  Virginia, apart from the modern-day coins. 

These coins belong to a range of centuries. Due to this abundant availability during multiple centuries, they are scattered throughout the state. 

Colonial coins were present from the late 16th century to the mid-18th century. Until the time of the Civil War, most probably. 

During these periods, these coins were heavily used in trades and currency due to the unavailability of high-price marked notes. 

During the Civil War, the state was also hit with ongoing battles. 

During the period of civil war, many establishments were broken and looted, hindering the ability of these coins to perform as legal currency. 

These colonial coins can be of British, Spanish, or other foreign origin. 

If you are eager to find these colonial coins, you must look for areas with the historical background of colonialism or colonial towns. 

Sometimes, in government-owned land, claiming ownership of these coins is prohibited. If you identify any of these coins in state land, you might have to return them to the authorities. 

Here are some of the locations where I had the most success finding the colonial coins in Virginia, 

  • Colonial Williamsburg in Williamsburg, James City County 
  • Historic Jamestown in Jamestown, James City County 
  • Monticello, the famous Thomas Jefferson estate situated in Charlottesville, Albemarle County 
  • Gunston Hall, which is the George Mason’s House, is Situated in Lorton, Fairfax County 
  • Chippokes Plantation State Park in Surry in Surry County 
Colonial Williamsburg in Williamsburg Virginia
Colonial Williamsburg in Williamsburg Virginia

2. Civil War Relics

Virginia was a state that was hit by the Civil War so much during that period.

Like other pioneer states during that time, there were ample monuments and remains of the war in plain sight after the war ended. 

With time passing, these monuments and remainings of the war were hidden under the new developments and the ground.

Civil war relic found when metal detecting in Virginia
Civil war relic found when metal detecting in Virginia

After so many years, we can use metal detectors to uncover these items from the earth. 

Civil war took place in the times between 1861 to 1865. During those periods, many lives were lost, and other possessions of human beings were looted or stolen. 

Most of these items include jewelry, coins, and other stuff. 

But these aren’t regarded as Civil War-era relics, as these were made before the Civil War period. And mostly, these cannot be tracked back to a certain period. 

Civil war relics mostly include bullets, bullet clippings, buttons, belts, buckles, artillery fragments, and other weapons of that period. 

If you want to find these Civil War-era relics, I suggest you look for the battleground and encampment areas during these times. 

Because these places would have the highest potential in finding these metal objects, and if these areas are regarded as state-owned land, you might not be able to completely claim the ownership of the findings you uncover. 

Check out the Best Places to Metal Detect in Virginia!

Rather, you must go through a process to claim ownership of these findings. 

These are valuable if you bear all the difficulties and take ownership of the findings. These have the highest value among the collectors than the antique stores. 

Here are some of the locations where I stumbled upon a lot of civil war related relics while metal detecting in Virginia,

  • Manassas National battlefield area in Manassas, Price William County 
  • Petersburg National battlefield area in Petersburg, Dinwiddie County 
  • Cold Harbour Battlefield Park in Mechanicsville, Hanover County 
  • Fredricksburg and Spotsylvania National Millitary park in Fredricksburg, Spotsylvania County
  • Appomattox Court House National Historical Park and the surroundings in Appomattox, Appomattox County
Manassas National battlefield area in Manassas Virginia
Manassas National battlefield area in Manassas Virginia

Apart from the Civil War relics like bullets and weapons, you might also be able to find some other artifacts related to the Civil War era in Virginia. 

Civil War Tokens and Cards privately issued coins and tokens used as currency during the Civil War period when the currency was scarce. 

You can identify that they will look like coins but have local business names engraved on them instead. These have a real historical value rather than an economic value to them. 

As it is not much cared for by the government or the officials guarding these places, you can easily claim this ownership, too. 

Here are some of the locations apart from the locations mentioned above where I found these tokens in Virginia, 

  • Richmond National Battlefield Park in Richmond, Richmond City County 
  • Chancellorsville Battlefield Area in Spotsylvania in Spotsylvania County 
  • Battle of Sailor’s Creek in Rice, Price Edward County 
  • Batlle of Cedar Creek in Middletown, Frederick County 
Richmond National Battlefield Park in Richmond Virginia
Richmond National Battlefield Park in Richmond Virginia

3. Military Artifacts

Virginia has seen its fair share of all the battles that took place in the United States of America. 

From the Revolutionary War to the Civil War, the state has actively participated in the battles and the World Wars. 

Military tag found when metal detecting in Virginia
Military tag found when metal detecting in Virginia

These led to many lives being lost and many personal belongings, buildings, and monuments being destroyed. 

As we have discussed the possible findings you can uncover about the Civil War era, I will show you other military findings from different periods, which you can identify from your metal detectors. 

These military artifacts include military buttons, buckles, accouterments, and other weapon parts. 

As weapons parts are the things that most detectors will go to when finding military items, I thought of searching for the military buttons and buckles. 

In the early 18th century, military buttons and buckles were made of brass, copper or silver. These were an essential part of the military attire. 

These displayed the regiment a certain officer or a soldier belonged during the battles. 

Here are some of the locations where I was able to find some military buttons during the hunt for military artifacts, 

  • Fort Monroe National Monument area in Hampton, Hampton County 
  • Fort Eustis area in Newport News, Newport News County
  • Fort War Museum and its surrounding areas in Alexandria, Alexandria County 
  • Fort Harrison in Henrico, Henrico County 
  • Fort Ethan Allen in Arlington, Arlington County. 
Fort Monroe National Monument area in Hampton Virginia
Fort Monroe National Monument area in Hampton Virginia

Apart from the buttons, military buckles, which were used to strap the gun holsters and other equipment to the body, were also a major part of the military dress. 

Along with the locations mentioned above, I was able to find military buckles in the following locations, too, 

  • Yorktown battlefield in Yorktown, Yorktown County 
  • Montpelier, the home of James Madison, situated in Montpelier Station, Orange County 
  • New Market Battlefield Park in New Market, Shenandoah County 
  • Cedar Creek and Belle Grove National Park in Middletown, Frederick County 
Yorktown battlefield in Yorktown Virginia
Yorktown battlefield in Yorktown Virginia

4. Artifacts From Early Settlements

Virginia is home to the first permanent English settlement in the United States of America. 

The historic town of Jamestown was the first ever town inhabited by the English in 1607. 

Artifacts from early settlements found when metal detecting in Virginia
Artifacts from early settlements found when metal detecting in VirginiaArtifacts from early settlements found when metal detecting in Virginia

After establishing itself as a town, the area began to expand with developments like adding stores needed for townships. 

Then, the native American people and the English began to interact in Jamestown, too. 

With this historical background, the town is still strong after all these years. You will discover artifacts like jewelry and utensils from that period by looking in the historical township areas. 

As this is a protected and reserved area, you might not be able to claim ownership over any of this stuff. 

But you can enjoy metal detecting in the first-ever township in the United States of America. 

Here are the places you have to visit if you are visiting the Jamestown area for metal detecting,

  • Historic Jamestown area in Jamestown, James City County 
  • Jamestown Settlement area in Jamestown, James City County 
  • Colonial National Historical Park in Yorktown, York County
  • Henricus Historical Park in Chester, Chesterfield County 
  • Bacon’s Castle in Surry, Surry County 
Historic Jamestown area in Jamestown Virginia
Historic Jamestown area in Jamestown Virginia

5. Religious Artifacts

As Virginia is home to one of the earliest settlements, religion also began to spread from the heart of Virginia. 

These artifacts belonging to the religious places will show the rich historical past of Virginia and its religious history. 

Religious artifact found when metal detecting in Virginia
Religious artifact found when metal detecting in Virginia

Artifacts mostly include crosses, medallions, and other items of religious significance. These also give insight into what people believed in the early days. 

If you find any of these items, it is easy to claim as there is no restriction. 

There doesn’t have much higher economic value, but rather a spiritual and antique value to them 

Burton Parish Church in Williamsburg Virginia
Burton Parish Church in Williamsburg Virginia

Some of the locations where you can find these religious artifacts in the state of Virginia,

  • Historic Christ Church in Irvington, Lancaster County 
  • Burton Parish Church in Williamsburg, James City County 
  • St. John’s Episcopal Church in Richmond, Richmond City County 
  • St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Richmond, Richmond City County
  • Shrine Mont in Orkney Springs, Shenandoah County  

That’s it, folks! Now you know all the best metal detecting finds in Virgina you can detect with their exact locations.

How to find treasures when metal detecting in Virginia
How to find treasures when metal detecting in Virginia

Let me share with you several tips that I learned when I was metal detecting in Virgina which will help new metal detectorists who are planning to visit Virgina for metal detecting to find cool treasures.

Some of the below tips were collected by interviewing some of my friendly expert local detectorists in Virginia.

So, just keep reading!

Tips For Metal Detecting In Virginia 

So, up to now, we have discussed the best metal-detecting finds you can encounter in Virginia. 

Now, let’s look into some tips and tricks I used while metal detecting in Virginia to get the best out of the metal detecting session. 

This is not specific to Virginia. These can be used in any state or city you like. 

Good Research, More Findings 

Good research before any metal detecting session will ensure that you succeed in the field. Good research contributes to 50% of the success in metal detection. 

So when going to a new place to metal detect, don’t be afraid to ask questions from the people and know more about the place and area. 

This will help you to have time and energy.

Read to know the Best Beaches in Northern Virginia to Metal Detect!

Tip for metal detecting in Virginia
Tip for metal detecting in Virginia

Metal Detector Settings and Adjustments 

When engaging in metal detecting, you should have a metal detector capable of detecting in various conditions. 

You can have far more success in the field if you have a metal detector with multiple adjustment settings.

Good Technique 

Having a good technique also influences how much success you have in the field. Don’t rush the metal detecting; take your time and build a routine that works for you.

Tip for metal detecting in Virginia state
Tip for metal detecting in Virginia state

Beale Treasure, rumored to be buried in Bedford County, Virginia, in the early 1800s, has never been found, despite numerous attempts and extensive searches by treasure hunters and cryptanalysts.


So, let’s answer some frequently asked questions.


Are there any famous metal detecting finds in Virginia?

Yes, there have been numerous significant finds in Virginia, including rare coins, valuable jewelry, and relics from the Civil War era, showcasing the state’s rich historical background.

What are the legal requirements for metal detecting in Virginia?

The legal requirements for metal detecting in Virginia vary depending on the location; it is generally allowed on private property with the owner’s permission, but it may be restricted or prohibited on state-owned lands, historical sites, and national parks.

Can I keep the artifacts I find with my metal detector in Virginia?

Whether you can keep artifacts found in Virginia depends on the location and nature of the item; finds on private property typically belong to the landowner (unless a different agreement is made), while items found on public lands may be subject to state laws and could need to be reported.

What equipment do I need for metal detecting in Virginia?

For metal detecting in Virginia, a good quality metal detector, a digging tool, a finds pouch, and gloves are essential, and depending on the area, you might also need a pinpointer for precision locating.

Are there any metal detecting clubs in Virginia?

Yes, there are several metal detecting clubs in Virginia, where enthusiasts can join to share tips, participate in group hunts, and learn more about the hobby from experienced detectorists.

How can I ensure I am metal detecting responsibly in Virginia?

To metal detect responsibly in Virginia, always obtain permission, fill in any holes you dig, dispose of any trash you find, respect wildlife and the natural environment, and follow all local laws and regulations related to metal detecting.

Did I cover all you wanted to know about: Best Metal Detecting Finds In Virginia

In this article, I deeply discussed the best metal detecting finds in Virginia in detail with the areas where you can find them and the historical value of those items.

The best metal detecting finds in Virginia include Civil War relics, colonial-era coins, and antique jewelry. Enthusiasts have uncovered valuable and historically significant items across the state, particularly in areas with rich historical backgrounds such as old homesites, former military camps, and near historic settlements.

Furthermore, I’ve answered some frequently asked questions as well.

That is all about the best metal detecting finds in Virginia. I hope I covered everything you wanted about Virginia’s best metal-detecting finds. 

Now it’s time for you to plan your next trip to find your favorite item from the above list in Virginia. Happy treasure hunting in beautiful Virginia!

Hi! I’m the treasure hunter and adventurer behind DetectingTreasures.com. I'm here to share my knowledge, inspire your adventures, and provide practical guides to help you succeed in your own treasure hunting journey. Read More...

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